Discovering Heaven - A Journey
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The Holy Spirit wants to open our eyes so that we can look into the heavenly dimension and be able to move in it. He wants to reveal to us a reality that we have not even begun to imagine or comprehend – the reality of Heaven!
This visionary book is about discoveries in the heavenly reality. The author shares astounding spiritual experiences and insights which he received over a period of more than ten years.
The first part Insights Into The Spiritual World covers topics like: Where is Heaven? Born into the heavenly reality; Approaching the throne of grace; Seated in heavenly places.
In the second part Discoveries in the Heavenly Dimension Martin Baron describes in forty different pictures what was shown to him in the heavenly reality.
This extraordinarily encouraging and significant book will broaden your horizon and has the power to transform your life.
“Heaven is the spiritual realm which transcends and permeates our natural reality. Heaven is not somewhere “up there”. It is not a physical place. Heaven is a dimension that is beyond our human comprehension, and that is all around us. It is present right now, encompasses us, it is not far from us in space or time. It is really there, surrounds us, now and here. That is why you can speak to God in prayer. He is there, close to you.“
Martin Baron
Hardcover, 240 Seiten / coloured Pages
ISBN 978-3-943033-32-8
Einzelpreis / Price: 15,90 Euro + Versandkosten / + Shipping